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DMCA Take Down Notice

Apliiq respects the work and creative rights of others. For this reason, we ask our users to post content that complies with the intellectual property laws, right of publicity, and all other applicable state and federal laws. We can’t control what our users publish on their websites; however, you’re welcome to let us know if you believe that any of the material stored on our public website or associated with our services are infringing on your copyright.

Fill out the form, submit it, and our team will investigate your claims, and (if and as applicable) remove the infringing content from our services.

Submitting a takedown notice is a serious matter with legal consequences. Before filing the form, carefully consider whether or not the use of the copyrighted material at issue is protected by the Fair Use doctrine. Submitting misleading or otherwise fraudulent takedown notices may lead to termination of user accounts, and you could be liable for attorney fees and any other costs incurred.

If you’re unsure whether or not someone’s use of your copyrighted material amounts to infringement, please contact an attorney.

Your Contact Information

please provide your contact information below & note that we may share your contact information with the person that posted the contet you are reporting.

Your Copyright Information

Please describe your rights that are being infringed. If available, upload the registration and other relevant documentation supporting your claims. Post below the links to where the original content is available.

Attach files

Content You Want To Report

Please describe the content you believe violates or infringes your copyright. Post below the links to where the allegedly infringing content is available.

Requester signature

Typing your full name in the field below will act as your electronic signature which shall be considered as legally binding as your physical signature

Apliiq offers users who have received a takedown notice to make a counter-notice pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the US Copyright Act. Follow these instructions on how to file a counter-notice:
